Saturday, November 04, 2006

I Am Leaving The Race But Not The Cause

Many of you already know that I have withdrawn my candidacy for Arcata City Council. It was a sudden but not an easy decision to make. I consulted with many close friends and allies about it, and, in the end it was the right decision in order to best champion my ideas such as Round Up for Arcata, the car lending library and the economic revitalization of Arcata through environmental technology, which should have started years ago.

Those candidates who have a better chance of winning know my position and know that I have a growing enthusiastic group of supporters who want to see Arcata enter the 21st century of environmental innovation and take advantage of all of the economic prospects of alternate energy. Just today [11/4/06] there is an article ("Alternative Energy Lighting Up") in the SF Chronicle about venture capital companies funding alternate fuel starts ups. Those start ups should be here in Arcata near HSU and the Schatz Energy Research Center. I am convinced some of these companies, even though sponsored by Bay Area money people, would set up shop here had they known about our little secret of HSU and the Schatz facility. We can't let this opportunity slip away.

My only regret about leaving the race is that people will believe the two polls that placed me at the top of the second tier of candidates at around 5% of the votes. That number is very deceiving. I strongly believe had I stayed in the race I'd hit double digits, albeit, low double digits. Clearly there was last minute momentum gathering, particularly among the younger voters of Arcata. Had there been a month to go before the election and had I chosen to raise money to get the message out I would have stayed in the race. But this was my first run at it and I learned a lot about how to campaign. These lessons will apply should I run again in two years.

I promise you all I will run in two years if it looks like the Arcata City Council makes no progress toward the vital economy of conservation and alternate energy. The next time I will run as a more experienced candidate and will energize the majority of the voters who care about the future of Arcata, and wrestle from the old time voters who want to preserve their comfortable way of life at the expense of the younger generation. I have an 18-month old daughter to think about and want to leave her a vibrant, progressive and environmentally forward acting city.

There are other older voters who think that way as well, including Dave Meserve, which is why I ask you to support him. Vote for Dave Meserve. The jury is still out on Alex and how forward thinking she is. I lend my support to her because I think she is open minded and willing to listen, and, if she comes around she can get it done. She also has grandchildren she cares about who'll inherit our city. If she does come around, she'll have the ability to work with Dave to get it done. The two of them complement each other. My job now is to keep on top of the new city council and let them know I'll be back if things don't move forward.

Thank you all so much for your kind words, criticism and support. Get out and vote!

Jeffrey Schwartz


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